Our third clean-water well was fully funded at 7:55AM on the morning of Wednesday, April 24th…a moment I will never ever forget. Words cannot express my heartfelt and deep appreciation to you for helping with this very special cause. It’s not easy asking friends for money–I honestly hate that part–but without hesitation, you opened up your hearts and wallets to help me help some very special children and families in The Central African Republic obtain something so essential as clean water.
So what’s next? Our teams (Water For Good) both here in the US and in Africa have already begun moving on this project. Our next step is to survey the area and find the exact spot to drill for the well. So much planning and preparation goes into installing a well–both physically, logistically and even bureaucratically–it’s a ton of work on so many levels, but I look forward to keeping you updated every step of the way!
This is our third well. You made our first happen in 2017 for the Nyakoi Akuoro Village and in 2018 for the Aminit Border Village. I’m looking forward to traveling to Berbérati in September. The village is located deep within the Central African Republic and is more challenging than our two previous projects.
From my family to yours–and from everyone in the Berbérati Village whom you’ve given life to…thank you!!!
R Dub!
Sunday Night Slow Jams
Thank you to all of our clean-water angels…there are many names not listed as they were anonymous donors:
Abz Merhi
Ae Chun Kim
Alan Beck
Albert Northrup
Alexandra Peters
Alexis Dunn
Alfred Wan
Amanda Boyette
Amanda Gilpin
Amanda Shauger
Amber George
Andrea Rivera
Andreas Sannemann
Angel Suttle
Angelica Perez Tarchinski
Anna Romero Padilla
Anna Hojan
April O’Neal
Artin Massihi
Ashleigh Hammerel
Ashley Necoechea
Becky Villarreal
Bella Duncan
Benjamin Galaz
Benztown Branding
Bessy Lopez
Bill Friedrich
Bill Rehak
Binky Lee
Brandon Rivera
Brett Miller
Brian Lyman
Bronwen Fletcher
Brooke Lira
Bruce Santillanes
Caitlin Burch
Carlos Marquez
Carrie Burgess
Carrie Moten
Carrie Tuftee
Cecilia Hall
Cecilia Macias
Cerise Checo
Chris Carothers
Chris Lopes and Brenda Romano
Chris Peters
Chris Torrick
Chris Williams
Christina Gomez
Christina Valadez
Christine Hanson
Christopher Frederick
Christy Merten
Cisco Abril
Connie Breeze
Cruz & Isla Webb
Dan and Regan Weaver
Dan, Regan, Cash, Liv Weaver
Daniel “Majari” McCoy
Daniel Yordanov
Danny Palacios
Danya Goodwill
Darlene Ruiz
Dave Shakes
David Jacobson
Daysi Portillo
Debjeet Sen
Debra Weisel
Delma Osuna
Denisha Brown
Derek Patla
Diane Stephens
Donna Ruboyianes
Donovan Short
Efren Peralta
Elena Rios
Elim Clayton
Elizabeth Estrada
Elizabeth Hays
Emery Nicoletti
Eric Tyler
Erica Hersh
Erica Pembleton
Erin Toby
Eva Bates
Fabio Cao
Frank Lundin
George Rosado
Georgina Bon
Gina Morello
Grace Soto
Gregg Wolfson
Gulzar Ahmed
Hal Rood
Hans Kristian Rygge
Heather Cohen
Heather Gearheart
Hector Torres
Hilly Blondheim
Holly Hulse
Imelda Sandoval
Imelda Vidal
Irene Marquez
Iris Gomez
Irma Blanco-Romano
Isha Navarro
Isla & Cruz Webb
Ismelda Rodriguez
Jackie Ehresman
Jagger & Kristi
Jan Bruckner
Jason Goodman
Jason Griffin
Jaymee Baldwin
Jeff Maneepetasut
Jeff Marks
Jeffrey Petrovic
Jenna Klotz
Jennifer Currier
Jennifer Quesada
Jerry Baedif
Jerry Beharry
Jessica Ernst
Jessica Pacheco
Jessica Venegas
Jhanett Manriquez
Jo Mo
Jocy Arana
Joel G
John & Chuck: Focus 360
John Gehron
Joi Lewis
Jonathan Steele
Joseph Nelson
Joshua Brandt
Judith Garrett
Jules Dain
Karen Alm
Karina Ibarra
Kate Green
Kathleen Faller
Kathy Lund
Kathy Snook
Kaylee Hatcher
Keith Duncan
Kelli Zespy
Kevin O’Brien
Kevin Trimble
Kevin Vijayan
Kisha Lester
Kody and Holly Hall
Kyia Dingwall
Kyna Vu
LaTasha Moody-Love
LaWanda Macik
Leah Curren
Leila Niemann
Lila Payne
Lillie Echevarria
Lisa Antkow
Lisa Brown
Lisa Stevens
Lori Fimbres
Lucas Clark
Lucie Neeson
Mandisa Anderson
Marcus McBride
Maria Laing-Smith
Maria Roybal
Mariana Arevalo
Maribel Lopez
Marigold Productions LLC
Mark Corona
Matt O’Day
Mayra Sanchez
Melissa Velasco
Mia Digenan
Michael Becker
Michael Lopez
Michael Williams
Mike Garcia
Nadia Renner
Naomi Proano
Nestor Lara Baeza
Nicole Badger
Nicole Randall
Noah White
Oliver Klenk
Patricia Houston
Paul Sanchez
Paula Tuggey
Peter Nabor
Pongtharin Tanthasindhu
R.T. McCollum
Rachel Dominguez
Rachel McGrath
Rachel Watkins
Rachell Barnett
Ray Flores
Rebecca Do
Ric Gazarian
Richard O’Brien
Richard Stein
Rick Nuhn
Rick Verdugo
Rico Garcia
Rob Zilla
Robin Faison
Rocky Escobedo
Ron Shapiro
Rosa Pacateque
Roy Laughlin
Roy Lindsay
Ryan Cota
Ryan Smith
Sadie Ashraf
Salvador Ray Fregoso Fregoso
Samira Tsabetsaye-Hitlall
Sarah Elzinga
Sarah Soto
Scot Finck
Scott Lane
Shanel Mollica
Sherre Meredith
Sherry Hernandez
Sheryl Love
Squirrel Rippley
Stephanie & Alex Rosh
Stephanie Padilla
Stephanie Romero
Stephen Kramer
Steve Virissimo
Sylvia De Spain
Taiona Henry
Tamara Chavez
Timothy Muehlhausen
Tina allen
Todd Beatus
Tom Garbarino
Tony Camper
Tracy Taylor
Ursula Sindlinger
Veronica Tavizon
Vinay Kishore
Vinay Kishore
Virginia Sherman
Walker Foard
Yvonne Leija
Zayda E Cavazos
Zoila Dohrer
Benztown is a leading international radio imaging, production library, programming, jingles and voiceover services company with over 1900 affiliations on six continents. Benztown is the official syndication company and distributor of Sunday Night Slow Jams and Slow Jams with R Dub!
About this campaign…
To raise funds, R Dub and Sunday Night Slow Jams is partnering with Water for Good to build a well in the village of Berbérati. Each donation will reach the people of the Central African Republic with safe and reliable water.
We’ll provide updates and reports from the field. Locally trained technicians maintain the flow of clean water in all of Water for Good’s wells, year after year, visiting the community (like Beberati) long after campaigns are over.
Through your gift, hope is being restored as dignity, health, joy and love flow out of your generosity and into the life of every man, woman and child living in Berbérati. In addition, the well will be open to the surrounding villages as well. Thanks to you, they too will reap the many benefits of safe and clean water.
1.The source is located 3km away. The villagers have to trek for all this distance looking for unsafe water.
2. During dry spells, the water dries-up.
3. Rampant fights and abuses at the current source when the amount of water reduces.
4. Regular sharing of the same source with animals.
5. It’s a habitat for mosquitoes.
6. Due to the turbidity of water, the waterborne diseases like Typhoid and Cholera have been registered.
1.Berbérati and the neighboring villages..
Through faith and his grace, May he see you through as you think of saving the men, women and children of Berbérati.
I will never be able to put into words the feeling, of after flying 10,000 miles, and then driving for eight hours until the roads ended and turned to dirt, THEN driving another hour, to finally reach THIS…
An ENTIRE VILLAGE–hundreds of people, from babies to elders–all waiting for us, with signs, banners, music, smiles, and most importantly LOVE. There are no words.
I explained to the village that the well was not my doing, but a gift from YOU. They wanted me to tell you how thankful they are and that they love you!
Here is the FULL video:
And here is our second well:
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