Sunday Night Slow Grams?
There’s a new and easy way to send us your Oral Expressions for Sunday Night Slow Jams! You can now send us your Oral Expression via Instagram!
It’s easy! Just follow these quick steps:
1) Follow @slowjams on Instagram!
2) Make sure your radio is turned down (and any other background noise).
3) Record your Oral Expression on your InstaStory! Make sure to include your CITY and STATE.
Example: “Hi, this is Christina from Chicago, and my Oral Expression goes out to David…I love you and your sexy beard!”
4) Make sure to tag @slowjams before you publish your story. If you don’t mention us, we won’t see it.
That’s it! Extra points for being creative! You can see an example HERE.
Of course, you’re still welcome to call us too, anytime: 1-877-209-0631 or make an Online Oral Expression through our website, HERE.